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Position Name Email Phone
President Marc Davis marc.davis at gmail dot com 452-5975
Vice President Carol Martin csmartin2 at austin dot rr dot com 441-5222
Treasurer Nancy Byrd nmbyrd at austin dot rr dot com xxx-xxxx
Secretary Garret Nick srcc at groktankmedia dot com 326-7676
Area 1 Coordinator Claudette Lowe claudettelowe at sbcglobal dot net 447-1514
Area 1 Coordinator Helen Dey Valdez helen.valdez at publicans dot com 634-3740
Area 2 Coordinator Ken Schulze kenny.schulze at gmail dot com 448-3290
Area 2 Coordinator Jack Hostetter jackhostetter at alcatel-lucent dot com 214-435-9811
Area 3a Coordinator Teri Hubbeling terivh at sbcglobal dot net 447-8852
Area 3a Coordinator Brian Talenti btalenti at gmail dot com 992-0136
Area 3b Coordinator Brooks Kasson swimmingbrooks at sbcglobal dot net 444-8100
Area 3b Coordinator Kenny Hilbig kenny at kennyhilbig dot com 326-9120
Area 4a Coordinator Sam Martin smart4 at austin dot rr dot com 441-5222
Area 4a Coordinator Eric Andruscavage eandrus at gmail dot com 707-1340
Area 4b Coordinator Kris Asthalter kasthalter at sbcglobal dot net 443-4963
Area 5 Coordinator Neal Nuwash cnnuwash at texas dot net 462-9093
Area 5 Coordinator Elloa Mathews ellomail at austin dot rr dot com 442-6986
Area 6 Coordinator Dawn Cizmar cizmar at acm dot org 443-4231
Area 7 Coordinator Fred Krebs krebs dot fred at gmail dot com 447-6442
Area 7 Coordinator Rachel McClure rachel_mcclure2001 at yahoo dot com 326-5572
Area 8 Coordinator Kim Lanzillotti kamerakimtx at yahoo dot com 658-8565
Area 8 Coordinator Maria Martinez maria dot martinez37 at yahoo dot com 443-9784