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South River City
Citizens neighborhood association Austin, Texas Agendas and minutes 2008 |
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•Agenda for meeting of the general membership of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, November 4, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church fellowship hall (205 East Monroe,
downstairs): all are welcome Treasurer's report, Bob Drew Private security for the neighborhood, Marc Davis Live Music Task Force recommendations, Danette Chimenti Weekend bridge and road closings. Danette Chimenti Crime wave in Area 8, Roni Clark Boardwalk letter to staff and Council, Gayle Goff Guero's, Rob Lippincott Committee reports [posted to the
neighborhood e-mail
list October 28]
[notes for 11/3/08 meeting of the general membership posted to the neighborhood e-mail list November 6]
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•Agenda for meeting of the general membership of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, October 6, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church fellowship hall (205 East Monroe,
downstairs): all are welcome Treasurer's report, Bob Drew Variance, 300 B. Academy, Heidi Gobel Area 5 Drainage improvements, Jeff Kessel Area 8 Wet Ponds (zoning change), Jeff Kessel EROC [East Riverside Oltorf Combined planning area] letter on 1406-1508 Parker Lane zoning, Toni House NCC, a program to keep juvenile first offenders from being trapped in the system, Darrel Caldwell Bat Fest and other street closures, Danette Chimenti Letter thanking PARD staff member, Joan Singh, David Todd Committee reports Other [posted to the
neighborhood e-mail
list October 2]
[notes for 10/6/08 meeting of the general membership posted to the neighborhood e-mail list October 13]
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•Agenda for meeting of the general membership of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, September 8, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church fellowship hall (205 East Monroe,
downstairs): all are welcome Treasurer's Report, Bob Drew 1603 S. Congress, Variance to Compatibility height limit from 40? to 45? within 50? of SF 3. (Unless our request for a postponement is accepted it will be heard the same night at BOAC.) 209 Leland, Variance requests, (see above) Statesman litter, Garret Nick Bat Fest, Danette Chimenti Detention Ponds, Alpine and Warehouse Row, David Todd Art Auction, Brian Rodgers Neighbor being repeatedly vandalized, Catherine Caper Committee Reports Other [posted to the
neighborhood e-mail
list September 3]
[notes for 9/8/08 meeting of the general membership posted to the neighborhood e-mail list September 11]
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•Agenda for meeting of the general membership of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, August 4, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church fellowship hall (205 East Monroe,
downstairs): all are welcome Treasurer's report (Bob Drew) ANC's vote on single member districts (Jean Warneke) Travis Park Apartments (Terry Franz) Guero's request for a late hours permit (Jean Mather) Variance on Harwood (Doug Frey) Capital Metro's proposed changes (limited to 10 minutes) [updated agenda posted to the
neighborhood e-mail
list August 1]
[notes for 8/4/08 meeting of the general membership posted to the neighborhood e-mail list August 18]
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•Agenda for meeting of the executive committee of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, June 15, 2008;
6:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church fellowship hall (205 East Monroe,
downstairs): all are welcome Dear folks, SRCC's Executive Committee meeting is this coming Monday, 6/16 at 6:00 pm at the church. The main item on the agenda is July Fourth. Cile will give us an update and probably ask for volunteers. Fairview Park rear addition: Variance needed? Updated membership lists will be available for each area. Carol Martin, our wonderful membership chair, has just made these available. Great for finding block captains. Remember: there will be no meeting in July. Jean Mather [agenda posted to the
neighborhood e-mail
list June 20]
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•Agenda for meeting of the general membership of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, June 2, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church fellowship hall (205 East Monroe, downstairs): all are welcome Police Report (15 minutes): Lt. Sawyer Treasurer's Report: Bob Drew July 4: Cile Montgomery *Continental Club, Zoning change to CS1: Steve Werthheimer [addition to agenda 5/30 pm] **right-of-way clearance on Melissa: Claudette Lowe [addition to agenda 6/2 pm] New PUD criteria: Toni House Austin Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan: Jean Mather Committee Reports: Norwood House Reagan Site Plan Bus stop [agenda posted to the
neighborhood e-mail
list May 30] [notes for 6/2/08 meeting of the general membership posted to the neighborhood e-mail list June 16]
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•Agenda for meeting of the general membership of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, May 5, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church fellowship hall (205 East Monroe)
Amendments to the McMansion Ordinance and Compatibility Standards, due to be heard by the Council on May 15th: Danette Chimenti or Jean Mather Status of our drainage problems with St. Edward's: Jeff Kessel Proposed light rail for Riverside Drive to the airport: Toni House Stop sign for Travis Heights bus: Terry Franz Treasurer's report: Bob Drew Newsletter deadline and subjects to be covered 4th of July plans: Cile Montgomery Announcements and other matters [agenda posted to the
neighborhood e-mail
list May 1] [unofficial notes for 5/5/08 meeting of the general membership posted to the neighborhood e-mail list May 9]
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•Agenda for meeting of the executive committee of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, April 21, 2008;
6:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church (205 East Monroe)
We have two important items to discuss: The negotiated agreement on 222/300 Riverside. Danette Chimenti will give us the details and the reasons for the rush to cinch them. The Park Proposals to be submitted to Ricardo Solis. David Todd has done a great job of detailing our concerns but there maybe some other items to add, among them, the Norwood house restoration.
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•Agenda for meeting of the general membership of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, April 7, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church (205 East Monroe)
Jim Christianson, Norwood House: Mr. Christianson, former chair of the Landmark Commission, is very concerned about the Norwood House (on Riverside at IH 35) . It has been zoned historic by the City but been allowed to fall into disrepair for lack of needed funds, now estimated to be $1 million. We need to get it in this year''s budget if we hope to save it. He has an 8:00 meeting, which is why he is first on the agenda. Treasurer's Report, by our new Treasurer, Bob Drew Amendments to the Billboard Ordinance. The Council (Dunkerley and Martinez) are initiating an ordinance which would extend the areas where billboards would be allowed, increase the permitted size and height in some instances under the guise of cleaning up some signage problems. We will have someone from Scenic Austin to speak. It goes to the Planning Commission on April 8 and to the Council on April 10 Jim Hargrove, a variance request for 2101 Alameda Tim Fojtik, 1510 Travis Heights, problems with a speed hump. Committee reports and announcements [agenda
posted to the neighborhood e-mail list April 3] 4/7/08 official general membership meeting notes [as posted to the neighborhood e-mail list April 22, 2008]
return to top •Agenda for meeting of the executive
committee of South River City Citizens: Monday, March 17, 2008; 6:00
pm; Grace United Methodist Church (205 East Monroe)
1. proposed rezoning of three lots on Braeswood, Area 8, from single family to multifamily 2. Jean Warneke would like to discuss the ANC Candidates' Forum
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•Agenda for meeting of the general membership of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, November 4, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church fellowship hall (205 East Monroe,
downstairs): all are welcome Treasurer's report, Bob Drew Private security for the neighborhood, Marc Davis Live Music Task Force recommendations, Danette Chimenti Weekend bridge and road closings. Danette Chimenti Crime wave in Area 8, Roni Clark Boardwalk letter to staff and Council, Gayle Goff Guero's, Rob Lippincott Committee reports [posted to the
neighborhood e-mail
list October 28]
[notes for 11/3/08 meeting of the general membership posted to the neighborhood e-mail list November 6]
return to top
•Agenda for meeting of the general membership of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, October 6, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church fellowship hall (205 East Monroe,
downstairs): all are welcome Treasurer's report, Bob Drew Variance, 300 B. Academy, Heidi Gobel Area 5 Drainage improvements, Jeff Kessel Area 8 Wet Ponds (zoning change), Jeff Kessel EROC [East Riverside Oltorf Combined planning area] letter on 1406-1508 Parker Lane zoning, Toni House NCC, a program to keep juvenile first offenders from being trapped in the system, Darrel Caldwell Bat Fest and other street closures, Danette Chimenti Letter thanking PARD staff member, Joan Singh, David Todd Committee reports Other [posted to the
neighborhood e-mail
list October 2]
[notes for 10/6/08 meeting of the general membership posted to the neighborhood e-mail list October 13]
return to top
•Agenda for meeting of the general membership of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, September 8, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church fellowship hall (205 East Monroe,
downstairs): all are welcome Treasurer's Report, Bob Drew 1603 S. Congress, Variance to Compatibility height limit from 40? to 45? within 50? of SF 3. (Unless our request for a postponement is accepted it will be heard the same night at BOAC.) 209 Leland, Variance requests, (see above) Statesman litter, Garret Nick Bat Fest, Danette Chimenti Detention Ponds, Alpine and Warehouse Row, David Todd Art Auction, Brian Rodgers Neighbor being repeatedly vandalized, Catherine Caper Committee Reports Other [posted to the
neighborhood e-mail
list September 3]
[notes for 9/8/08 meeting of the general membership posted to the neighborhood e-mail list September 11]
return to top
•Agenda for meeting of the general membership of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, August 4, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church fellowship hall (205 East Monroe,
downstairs): all are welcome Treasurer's report (Bob Drew) ANC's vote on single member districts (Jean Warneke) Travis Park Apartments (Terry Franz) Guero's request for a late hours permit (Jean Mather) Variance on Harwood (Doug Frey) Capital Metro's proposed changes (limited to 10 minutes) [updated agenda posted to the
neighborhood e-mail
list August 1]
[notes for 8/4/08 meeting of the general membership posted to the neighborhood e-mail list August 18]
return to top
•Agenda for meeting of the executive committee of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, June 15, 2008;
6:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church fellowship hall (205 East Monroe,
downstairs): all are welcome Dear folks, SRCC's Executive Committee meeting is this coming Monday, 6/16 at 6:00 pm at the church. The main item on the agenda is July Fourth. Cile will give us an update and probably ask for volunteers. Fairview Park rear addition: Variance needed? Updated membership lists will be available for each area. Carol Martin, our wonderful membership chair, has just made these available. Great for finding block captains. Remember: there will be no meeting in July. Jean Mather [agenda posted to the
neighborhood e-mail
list June 20]
return to top
•Agenda for meeting of the general membership of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, June 2, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church fellowship hall (205 East Monroe, downstairs): all are welcome Police Report (15 minutes): Lt. Sawyer Treasurer's Report: Bob Drew July 4: Cile Montgomery *Continental Club, Zoning change to CS1: Steve Werthheimer [addition to agenda 5/30 pm] **right-of-way clearance on Melissa: Claudette Lowe [addition to agenda 6/2 pm] New PUD criteria: Toni House Austin Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan: Jean Mather Committee Reports: Norwood House Reagan Site Plan Bus stop [agenda posted to the
neighborhood e-mail
list May 30] [notes for 6/2/08 meeting of the general membership posted to the neighborhood e-mail list June 16]
return to top
•Agenda for meeting of the general membership of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, May 5, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church fellowship hall (205 East Monroe)
Amendments to the McMansion Ordinance and Compatibility Standards, due to be heard by the Council on May 15th: Danette Chimenti or Jean Mather Status of our drainage problems with St. Edward's: Jeff Kessel Proposed light rail for Riverside Drive to the airport: Toni House Stop sign for Travis Heights bus: Terry Franz Treasurer's report: Bob Drew Newsletter deadline and subjects to be covered 4th of July plans: Cile Montgomery Announcements and other matters [agenda posted to the
neighborhood e-mail
list May 1] [unofficial notes for 5/5/08 meeting of the general membership posted to the neighborhood e-mail list May 9]
return to top
•Agenda for meeting of the executive committee of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, April 21, 2008;
6:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church (205 East Monroe)
We have two important items to discuss: The negotiated agreement on 222/300 Riverside. Danette Chimenti will give us the details and the reasons for the rush to cinch them. The Park Proposals to be submitted to Ricardo Solis. David Todd has done a great job of detailing our concerns but there maybe some other items to add, among them, the Norwood house restoration.
return to top
•Agenda for meeting of the general membership of
South River City Citizens:
Monday, April 7, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church (205 East Monroe)
Jim Christianson, Norwood House: Mr. Christianson, former chair of the Landmark Commission, is very concerned about the Norwood House (on Riverside at IH 35) . It has been zoned historic by the City but been allowed to fall into disrepair for lack of needed funds, now estimated to be $1 million. We need to get it in this year''s budget if we hope to save it. He has an 8:00 meeting, which is why he is first on the agenda. Treasurer's Report, by our new Treasurer, Bob Drew Amendments to the Billboard Ordinance. The Council (Dunkerley and Martinez) are initiating an ordinance which would extend the areas where billboards would be allowed, increase the permitted size and height in some instances under the guise of cleaning up some signage problems. We will have someone from Scenic Austin to speak. It goes to the Planning Commission on April 8 and to the Council on April 10 Jim Hargrove, a variance request for 2101 Alameda Tim Fojtik, 1510 Travis Heights, problems with a speed hump. Committee reports and announcements [agenda
posted to the neighborhood e-mail list April 3] 4/7/08 official general membership meeting notes [as posted to the neighborhood e-mail list April 22, 2008]
return to top •Agenda for meeting of the executive
committee of South River City Citizens: Monday, March 17, 2008; 6:00
pm; Grace United Methodist Church (205 East Monroe) 1. proposed rezoning of three lots on Braeswood, Area 8, from single family to multifamily 2. Jean Warneke would like to discuss the ANC Candidates' Forum •Agenda for meeting of the general
membership of South River City Citizens: Monday, February 4,
2008; 7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church (205 East Monroe) Introductions Treasurer’s report 225/300 E. Riverside Expansion of LR zoning Off-site parking for Home Slice Pizza Reagan Signs building Need for new officers Other business **addition to agenda 2/1/08 p.m."The tree house on Reagan goes to Board of Adjustment on Feb. 11. Please have a neighbor or neighbors come to the meeting on 2/04/08 to present the case." J. Mather Note: Jamie Desautels (Austin Pops) hasn’t received word yet from PARD and is hoping to be on our April agenda. [agenda
posted to the neighborhood e-mail list February 1] [minutes
of the SRCC February 4, 2008, meeting of the general membership
[posted to the neighborhood e-mail list February 8, 2008]
•Meeting of the executive committee of
South River City Citizens: Monday, January 21, 2008; 6:00 pm;
Grace United Methodist Church (205 East Monroe) Dear Folks, All are welcome to Monday's 6:00
Executive Meeting. The meeting should be short and sweet. David Todd has
good news and needs a support letter from SRCC. From David: I'm applying for a January grant from the Austin Parks Foundation for $6000 toward continued removal of exotics and planting of natives in Stacy and Blunn, much like what we did next to Little Stacy's ballfield. As matching funds, this proposal would also tap the $3000 from the Magnolia Trust and $3243 in RGK grants that we've already raised. *Just in (1/18/08) is a request for a variance at 1705 Nickerson. The owner wants to decrease the rear setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, 9 and 1/4 inches, "in order to maintain 140 square feet of a covered balcony for an existing single-family residence". The hearing before the Board of Adjustment will be on the 28th at 6:00 +/-. We need neighbors' input. Jean Mather •Agenda for meeting of the general
membership of South River City Citizens: Monday, January 7, 2008;
7:00 pm; Grace United Methodist Church (205 East Monroe) Note--This is an important meeting with several
membership votes as well as a discussion on ways to increase our
membership participation. Please come! 1. Introductions 2. Treasurer's Report 3. Vote on the proposed Restrictive Covenant regarding Time Insurance case (above the corner at I35 & E Riverside Dr) 4. Vote on the Sunnymeade Apts project--501 E Oltorf 5. Presentation on creek bank work near Travis Heights Elementary 6. Vote on Austin Pops performance at Little Stacy on Sat, May 3, 2:00 pm (if Jamie has met with PARD) 7. Discussion: Increasing membership & participation 8. Committee reports and other business [posted to
the neighborhood e-mail list January 3]
1/7/08 unofficial general membership meeting notes [as posted to the neighborhood e-mail list January 15, 2008] |