South River City Citizens (SRCC) Neighborhood Association
May 15, 2005 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes (Tim Mahoney, Secretary)
2. Blunn Creek Issues and Glenrose Engineering
Report from Elloa
3. Newsletter Deadlines & Communication Committee Report
Co-chairs: Elloa Matthews and Terry Frantz;
Deadline for next Newsletter is June 3;
It is anticipated that the next Newsletter will be distributed in June 15th in advance of the July 4th parade;
New and Improved Hard Newsletter Deadlines: Feb. 1, June 1 (this time June 3), Sept. 15;
New policies are being reviewed to ensure equity and to build a better relationship between neighborhood schools and neighbors;
4. Police Appreciation Night
5. Report on Zoning Issues/Neighborhood Planning Efforts
6. ANC/SEC/SCC Update
7. Set agenda for May 2 General Membership meeting