September 19 Executive Committee Meeting Agenda
6:00 pm, Grace United Methodist Church
1. Introductions: Danette Chimenti, Tom Miles, Kenny Hilbig, Toni House, Jean Mather, Sam Martin, Terry Franz, Tim Mahoney, Dawn Cismar, Sage White.
2. 1501 Alta Vista Variance Kenny Hilbig, agent for builder, seeks support for porch variances (set before the Board of Adjustment in November). One reason for the placement of the house on the lot is to save placement on the Oak in the back yard. Discussion of no opposition versus support, in light of neighbor who is opposed. Decided that House was formerly 905 Bonhom Terrace.
3. New developments with 127 Riverside Project, have a meeting this Friday, 2 pm, at PARD office. Mike Lyday will be there. Project formerly approved by SRCC, so project status will be reviewed by all parties then. Issue is 80 foot set back due to the Town Lake overlay. Currently about 90 impervious coverage, proposed build-out will be about 60 impervious coverage.
4. Problems with 1907 Newning2004 Board of Adjustment decision allowed basement and 2-story building. Looks like the beginnings of a 3rd story building. Issue: Stop work order on another issue, currently Danette is monitoring situation with next door neighbors (City staff says will not allow a 3rd story, but as to how a story is being defined is the issue). Example of unregulated small lot amnesty.
5. East Riverside/Oltorf Neighborhood Plan
1500 Summit, reviewed current site plan from GR zoning.
6. GSRC Neighborhood Plan
Sep. 29 City Council Hearing consent only
NCCD Amendment: Discussion of whether to have one hearing, or get consent items out of the way (best if consent items are consent between the Planning Commission and the Neighborhood).
7. Set up meeting with Jim Walker (Bond Election Advisory Committee) regarding meeting needs in Neighborhood Plans.
8. Set agenda for October 3 General Membership meeting
Note: El Taquito is moving in building materials and/or debris, mystery status.
At the end of the meeting, the Neighborhood Planning Committee convened.