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South River City Citizens (SRCC) Neighborhood AssociationNovember 21 Executive Committee Meeting Agenda

6:00 pm, Grace United Methodist Church

1. Introductions: Jean Mather, Terry Franz, Dannette Chimenti, Toni House, Tim Mahoney, Sage White, Claudette Lowe, Elloa Mathews

2. Update on Club Latino Zoning Case: Club may lose its liquor license, Toni House will know in a of couple days

3. Update on Don Mar Mixed Use Condo Project: Claudette has been in touch with Tom Hatch, is there an issue of restrictive covenant with a $50,000 performance bond, including agreement not to have ingress/egress to Nickerson (backside), only on Congress, no outdoor entertainment, only on-site parking. No bar because they don’t have CS1 zoning, and parking is 80 percent for residents, 100 percent for restarurants, probably limited to

4. East Riverside/Oltorf Neighborhood Plan;

        Planning Commission Postponement for 5 months

5. GSRC Neighborhood Plan; some question about status of issues, whether some opponents of the neighborhood will request a postponement.

        Dec. 1 City Council for contested items
        Update on meeting with Moton Crockett and ROMA
        Need NPCT Bylaws

6. Set agenda for December 5 General Membership meeting

Officer Scott Appreciation Presentation and Social
Stacy Park Projects (WPDR – Jean Drew)
Sherwood Oaks Flooding Project (WPDR - Jean Drew)
Capital Metro Rapid Bus & Ben White/Congress Transit Center(p)
Neighborhood Planning Reports

Don Mar Mixed Use Condo Project(v)

Miller-Crockett B&B Proposal(v)(p)


(p) Postponed from Nov. agenda

(v) Involve potential variance or zoning changes - will be last on agenda so residents serving as Commissioners can attend meeting.


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