SRCC General Meeting 1/5/09: [Jean Mather; Sarah Campbell; Bob Drew]
1. Treasurer’s Report (Bob Drew):
· Paid for use of Grace Methodist Church and gave John (caretaker) a bonus;
· Report on amount of membership funds received;
· Reminder that ANC membership dues need to be paid;
· Bob has prepared a new spreadsheet for the SRCC funds held by Austin Community Foundation (“ACF”), and provided figure for the sum allocated to July 4th Picnic, which is something of a misnomer as those funds are dedicated to be used for park improvements; Bob will explore whether it is possible to move those funds out of ACF into an interest-bearing account;
· Report on the amount of funds being held by ACF dedicated to master planning; the bulk of the remaining master planning funds are allocated for traffic calming on Willow Run, which the City to date has refused to approve – need to explore what can be done to use the funds to benefit the Willow Run area;
· Bob has raised concern due to the amount of money the ACF account is losing in administrative fees being paid to ACF. If SRCC’s ACF funds were held in an interest-bearing account, SRCC would have earned a substantial sum. The ACF account was set up in order for people to make tax deductible donations to fund specific causes. A 501(c)(3) organization (a non-profit) cannot make money (i.e., accrue interest) on the funds it holds. Bob will investigate further to determine whether it would even be possible to retrieve the funds from ACF; SRCC needs to determine whether it is possible to and/or how to re-allocate existing funds to meet current and future needs.
2. Guero’s request for 180-day postponement of site plan – Previously SRCC has voted to oppose Guero’s request for a late-night permit to serve alcohol 7-days a week until 2am. Rob Lippincott was in attendance to answer any questions. TABC has not yet ruled on Guero’s permit. Rob indicated that he expects it to be granted. As part of the TABC permitting process, the City has to approve the site plan. Rob stated that no changes are being made to Guero’s site – this is just a part of the TABC permitting process. The general consensus was that because the Bouldin NA feels strongly that the site plan postponement should be opposed and the site plan hearings go forward on schedule, a vote was called. Jean Warneke moved to oppose the postponement; Sarah Campbell seconded, and the motion passed: 11 votes for; 1 vote against.
3. Chris Dolan, the City Oak Wilt specialist, reported on the oak wilt outbreak on the south side of Park Lane at Newning and the urgent need for trenching. (The trenching previously done on Park Ln. in either the 90’s or 2000’s did not hold, or the fungus had already spread south prior to the trenching.) The current infected trees at the SW corner of Park Ln. and Newning are 200 – 300 years old and although fungicide treatment has begun, one tree is a goner and Nathaniel may lose the other two. Chris has recommended a trench running south from Park Ln. and Newning, extending west from 1500 Newning over to Drake, going north to Park Ln., then heading east down to Hillside. A gas utility line is either in the planning stages or currently being dug along the section of Park Ln. running east from Hillside to Newning. Chris believes this may be sufficient for the trenching on that section.
Chris’ proposal is for a trench 5 feet deep, approximately 1,000 to 1,500 linear feet. Chris has estimated the cost at approximately $40/per linear foot (the 2005 cost was approx. $30/per linear foot). The total cost of the trenching may be $40,000. The Texas Forest Service (which receives funds from the federal gov’t), may cost-share in this. The sharing is based on the number of land owners affected (in this case 3). It is possible the Forest Service may cover approx. $6,000 if the trenching cost is $40,000. Chris believes he can access funds generated by some of the new developer fees, but he does not know what that amount might be. The neighborhood will need to raise at least approximately $20,000 to $25,000 for the trenching. Robin Sanders and others will explore funding sources such as Save Austin Oaks, grant funds, etc. Robin will call the trenching company used previously to see if they will agree to charge the same $30/per linear foot.
Time is of the essence as the trenching needs to be done ASAP. If it goes past June, it is likely that the oak wilt will move east of Newning and continue its southward march. Stacy Park is at risk. There are currently 300 oak wilt centers (infection sites) in Austin. For specific information on this devastating disease, visit
4. Zoning change request - 905 E. Live Oak, from SF-2 to SF-3 in order to construct duplex. Greg Bodle, the property owner and a current SRCC resident on Woodland, wants to demolish the existing single-family 1973 house and build a duplex/condo. Greg would live in one unit and his brother would reside in the second unit. The lot size is approximately 1/3 of an acre with E. Live Oak frontage of approx. 50-60 ft. and a depth of approx. 320 ft. Each unit would be approx. 1800-2000 sq. ft. and would comply with the McMansion Ordinance. The design presented was not well accepted, and Greg agreed to get with his architect and try to incorporate suggestions made by meeting attendees. He hopes to have a new design available to present at the Feb. meeting.
5. Variance request for side setback – 1815 Alta Vista; Jeanne Cook and Bill Beardall. Jeanne requested SRCC support for variance needed to retain grandfathered 2’1” side setback for existing garage; garage to be demolished and rebuilt in slightly different location in order to protect old live oak; also intend to increase height of new garage from 8 ft. to 12 ft. in order to have an option for a garage apartment. Jeanne indicated that the immediate neighbors do not oppose their plans. There is an existing hardship due to the steep slope of the lot and concern for damage to live oak if structure remains on existing footprint. SRCC took no action to either support or oppose the variance.
6. Newsletter - deadline for submission of articles is 2/5/09. Robin Sanders will work with Chris Dolan to prepare an article on oak wilt to be included in this issue. Discussion regarding a new business wanting to include an advertising insert in the Feb. newsletter issue; concerns are editorial control of type and content of ads; need to find out what other neighborhood newsletters charge for advertising and whether and how they screen advertisers.
7. Travis Heights/Fairview Park Historic District Update – Kathleen [sorry, I didn't catch the last name] filling in for Michelle Webre: The Historic District group has almost all the necessary historical research completed. The focus now is on the architectural research. They need volunteers for a 2-hour time commitment to walk sections of the district with the architectural historian, make observations and take notes. The goal is to finish the architectural research by the end of January. The hardest time slots to fill are between 9 and 11 a.m.
Volunteers with fundraising experience are also needed. Current fundraising ideas are for a Travis Heights Historical Home Tour; possibly sell posters @ $35; sell T-shirts. Suggestions welcome. For more information and details on the purpose, progress and volunteer opportunities of this Historic District group (created and spearheaded by Melanie Martinez), please visit their website:
8. Other Business: SRCC’s Potluck Dinner & General Election take place in March (first Monday is 3/2/09), so make sure your dues are current for voting purposes; next SRCC General Meeting is Monday, February 2, 7:00 pm. Sarah Campbell has agreed to run for co-President; Bob Drew for Treasurer; and Garret Nick for Secretary. (Jean or Sarah need to check with John re seeing whether the group that meets before SRCC can use a different room on Monday 3/2/09, in order for set-up and start time of 6:30 instead of 7pm.)
Meeting Adjourned
Minutes prepared by Toni House