SRCC unofficial meeting notes for 1/7/2008


1. introductions: lots of new faces


2. treasurer's report: income from membership dues and for historic district  project through calendar sales and donations.


MOTION: to pay jeff kessel for sunnymeade work out of funds authorized for st eds flooding = PASSED


3. vote on proposed restrictive covenant regarding time insurance  case (above the corner at I35 and east riverside dr): a summary of events leading up to this vote was presented  and then followed by a motion.


MOTION: SRCC defers to EROC decisions regarding VMU and  is willing to sign any covenant negotiated by neighbors = PASSED


4. vote on sunnymeade apts project at 501 e oltorf: the sunnymeade apts have been slated for redevelopment  and will be subjected to one of three possible options by the  developer, 1- remodel of existing building, 2- complete redevelopment  of property under existing codes and requirements, 3- redevelopment  of existing property that includes affordable housing options, runoff  detention, decreased impervious cover and other modifications not  currently required by law in exchange for some height and setback  variances. some details are as follows: existing 124 units increased  to 215, 20' tall building increased to 30'-60' building with 70%  being below 40', surface parking changed to parking garage, 81%  impervious cover to 62% and relocation assistance for existing  tenants. the developer is looking for support from the SRCC in order  to move ahead. was present to offer  assistance to existing tenants.


MOTION: to support the sunnymeade project with the stipulation that everything outlined at the Jan 7 SRCC meeting (e.g. relocation plan for existing residents) be recorded so as to be legally binding including giving the city 1) the option to buy down an additional 5% of units for affordable housing at 60%MFI and 2) the option to buy down some or all of the affordable units to 50%MFI. In addition they would agree to take section 8 vouchers if appropriate for the affordable units. A sunnymeade resident will be appointed as a representative to work with the developer through this process = PASSED


5. presentation on creek bank work near travis heights: some of you might have noticed the streambank  stabilization work being done along blunn creek in Stacey park. this  is being done to help control erosion caused by heavy rains that are  dumped into the creek without proper detention/retention. the SRCC  has been working with developers to encourage them to incorporate  rainwater controls into their plans or to enforce existing agreements  to do so. apts like sunnymeade currently have zero controls in place  so there are opportunities throughout the SRCC area to make  improvements. hopefully larger players like st Edwards can learn from  the innovative measures employed by the city and will take more of a  leadership role in this ongoing effort for the benefit of the  community. one creative approach to runoff management is a proposal  to install "rainwater gardens" that consist of 3' curb cuts that  drain into landscaped gardens built to handle the flow. the estimated  time for completion of these improvements is 3 months to 1 year.


6. committee reports and other business:

a. bruce barrick needs volunteers to help with the  historic homes coffee table book – he's looking for architects,  photographers, printers, graphic artists and historians – call 444- 0220

b. MOTION: authorize Jeff Kessell to work with David Todd  and Bob Drew to develop a proposal for AISD property near payload  pass as a water detention pond = PASSED