from meeting of the SRCC general membership: Monday 2 April 2007
1. introductions:
a. the meeting was attended by 24 people and 5 executive members
2. treasurer's report:
a. motion passed to reimburse area coordinators $20 for related expenses.
b. motion passed to give church custodians $100 and
the church $200 for allowing us to use the facility.
c. there needs to be some clarification on which
account to draw from to pay for st edwards related expenses.
3. president's report:
a. motion passed to draft a letter to state legislature showing SRCC support
for the current mcmansion ordinance.
b. saturday, april 14th is "it's my park" day - meet at the little
stacey pavilion for a creek cleanup from 8:30-12.
4. 1406-1506 parker lane zoning change request, guest speaker ryan
a. ryan is seeking MF-4 zoning with MF-2 restrictions
to allow for a reduced front setback to create more space between the proposed 20
unit condo development and its rear single family neighbors.
5. northcross/walmart city wide issues:
a. motion passed to show support for RG4N (responsible growth for northcross) from SRCC through an official letter including endorsements
from area coordinators.
6. acton business school (adjacent to star riverside)
– trail proposal and restrictive covenant:
a. no motions were passed, the status of the issue was discussed in relation to
the construction and extension of the trail through this new development and
how it will link up with the star riverside development's proposed trail extension
- currently they are not compatable.
7. multi-family tool ideas needed:
a. SRCC is seeking creative ideas for alternatives to the VMU (vertical mixed
use) option currently offered by the city - to be applied to random
multi-family properties throughout the EROC area. these
properties escaped the zoning process and now need to be dealt with. if someone could please post what the current VMU standards are,
that would be great.
8. EROC dillo meeting:
a. linda watkins is working
to expand the dillo service area to include the EROC
area. this would include lines on east riverside, hogan, ponca, vargas,
montopolis and oltorf.
9. APD sector update:
a. please report any crimes in the area. the
assignment of officers in
10. committee reports:
a. I'm heading the Travis Park Apartments committee; that is where the entertainer Red Ryder was murdered last May. After his
murder, Austin Interfaith contacted the neighborhood institutions (schools, churches, neighborhood associations, Travis County)
to work with neighbors to improve not only security at the complex, but also put pressure on the owners to fix the leaky sewer
system, the poorly functioning air conditioning system, and eliminate the mold in apartments where it is prevalent. One of the
security problems was that less than 1/3 of the outdoor lights ever worked at one time, which provided great cover for
criminals. The property is HUD assisted, which means the owners receive a lot of money from HUD, and they are supposed to be
providing decent, safe and affordable housing for extremely low income people.
Since last June, either Danette or Terry has represented SRCC on the Travis Park Action Team, which is made up of leaders from
the different neighborhood institutions. Having all the lights working, as they have been since last month, is our first victory
and a significant one. We are now pushing the City to enforce its new private laterals ordinance to require the owners to fix
the sewer.
11. other business:
a. an SRCC resident is looking to raise $2,000 to purchase a park bench for stacey park in honor of molly ivins
(also an SRCC resident) - terry franz has more details
on the process of donating through the SRCC so maybe she can expand on this.
b. the owner of the whipin
is looking for a letter from SRCC approving a small beer/wine bar on his
property. his son will be on a future agenda to
present the details to the general assembly.
i think that's the majority
of what happened at the meeting. thanks to everyone
who made it to the meeting and we hope to see more of you at next month's
general meeting on may 7th.
SRCC co-secretary