minutes of SRCC meeting of general membership April 5, 2010
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SRCC General Membership Meeting Notes - 4/5/10
1. meeting procedures, etiquette, membership. welcome newcomers.
2. approve minutes from tuesday, march 2, 2010, annual potluck dinner and officer elections meetings.
MOTION: mark/wolf - to approve minutes = APPROVED
3. council member laura morrison visited with us.
a general state of the city was given.
4. case # C15-2010-0009, request for 4 variances at 812 edgecliff terrace.
presenters: paul rolke, owner, jean mather and teresa griffin, chair and member of zoning and planning standing committee.
mr rolke purchased a home where the previous owner had built an addition and a deck into the setback, he is seeking variances for both of these in addition to an increase in his FAR (floor to area ratio) in order to build a second story. these changes are being requested as part of a general remodel.
MOTION: teresa/danette - recommend against all variances = PASSED
5. case # NPA-2010-0022.01, request for rezoning and neighborhood plan amendment at 1307 newning ave.
presenters: brenda reese, owner, jean mather, chair of the neighborhood plan contact team.
the owner would like to change the zoning from SF-3 to SF-5 in order to split the duplex into townhomes for the purpose of making it easier for potential buyers to get financing. this is an investment property located north of pecan grove.
MOTION: garret/elloa - oppose rezoning and NP amendment = PASSED
6. case # C15-2010-0017, request for variance at 1801 alameda dr.
presenters: owner and applicant, jean mather and teresa griffin, chair and member of zoning and planning standing committee.
rebuilding 1933 garage to fit modern car. the plan is to tear down the existing garage and replace it with a two car garage with a habitable attic but they are changing all the plans and will be back at a later date or not at all.
7. case # SP-2010-0047C, site plan proposes removal of trees to construct bank at 1811 s congess at mary st.
this is the empty lot where a building was recently demolished, only a trailer remains. the size and type of trees triggered the tree ordinance. we will be listed as an interested party so that we get updates on the project and will interject at the proper time.
8. case # C14H-2010-0001, request for historic designation at 1924 newning ave. we already supported this in the past.
9. annual treasurer's report.
the austin community foundation (ACF) has raised their fees to a level that now costs us money to use them. we will research alternatives. the increased membership dues have resulted in an increase in revenue.
10. census 2010 job opportunities.
presenter: mark gottschall, recruiter.
a 1796 law created the census to measure the population so as to allocate representation and then later to also divvy federal funds. you can work for the census with positions paying $17/hour plus $.55/mile and you pick your own hours over the course 6-10 weeks of work. visit www.2010censusjobs.gov for more information.
11. road closures: 1. may 31, 2010 - partial closure of s congress north from barton springs rd for capital of texas triathlon, 2. june 5, 2010 AGLPF parade and run, july 4th, 2010 - symphony concert and fireworks
12. travis park apartments update.
presenter: terry franz, member.
the residents of travis park apartments have been more vocal about the decreased quality of life. those involved believe an increase in neighborhood involvement at the resident meetings would be beneficial.
13. neighborhood watch kick-off meeting on 4/12 at 7:15 at grace church.
presenter: marc davis, chair of transportation and public safety standing
this meeting took place and the success of which is being discussed on the Yahoo! listserv.
garret nick
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