South River City Citizens (SRCC): agenda for meeting of general membership and election of officers, April 7, 2014 return to SRCC home page

7:15 PM
205 East Monroe; Austin, Texas


1. 7:15 Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome newcomers. Reminder: state your name when presenting or seconding a motion.
Presenter throughout: Eric Rangel, President, unless otherwise noted.
2. 7:20 Membership & voting announcements. pay multiple years in advance and get a discount.

Single membership: 1-yr $20; 2-yr $35; 3-yr $50
Family membership: 1-yr $35; 2-yr $65; 3-yr $95

NOTE: In order to vote, dues must be paid a month in advance, with the exception that if a former member's dues have lapsed no more than 2 years, he or she may renew at the meeting and be eligible to vote.

3. 7:22 Approve minutes from March 4, 2014, last regular monthly meeting
MOTION: Marc Davis / Danette Chimenti - to approve the minutes = PASSED
4. 7:25 Treasurer's report (see attachment to agenda distributed at meeting; will also be available at Web site)
Presenter: Nancy Byrd, Treasurer
MOTION: Carol Martin / Danette Chimenti - to approve the Treasurer's Report = PASSED
5. 7:30 Committee Chairs' reports--
1) Parks, Schools, Environment;
2) Planning & Zoning--item below;
3) Transportation & Public Safety:
TxDOT has announced that it has withdrawn its proposal to close east-west crossings at I-35 at Woodland and St. John. See the revised schematic To better understand what is being proposed, learn TxDOT terminology on its Web site. According to TxDOT, "Super Streets" proposal has been removed for Travis County. "Super Streets" involves closing more East/West lanes. Reconnect Austin shows samples Project Connect workshop taking place Saturday, April 12, 2014, from 9:00am to 12:30pm: Project Connect: Central Corridor Step 5 Public Workshop, Midway Field House (the former Antone’s) 2015 E Riverside Dr.Austin, TX 78741 There will be presentations starting at 9:30, 10:30, and 11:30 a.m. Participants may join at any time during the event and can expect refreshments, live music, and activities for kids. complete the TxDOT survey: TxDOT is asking for feedback from stakeholders living in neighborhoods adjacent to I-35 in Travis County. Please take the Neighborhood Survey. Information gathered from the survey will be used by the project team to better understand east/west connectivity issues and other special concerns of the neighborhoods

Lead for the Neighborhood Watch Program, Raymond Sinatra, is stepping down. Job entails scheduling training session for Neighborhood Watch networks- APD provides train the trainer sessions, be contact point for the nbhd. See SRCC website for contact information and let us know if you’re interested in helping this program grow and continue.
4) Norwood;
5) Historic District--item below;
8) Finance--status of projects funded by SRCC;
9) Reps to ANC (Austin Neighborhoods Council): Wallace Henderson has stepped down as our ANC rep. If you are interested in attending the monthly ANC meetings and reporting back to the General Membership, please let us know.
10) Communication;
11) Quality of Life

6. 7:40 Parking Issues surrounding South Congress Avenue
Presented by Chris Riley, Austin City Council member; Leah Bojo, Policy Aide to Council Member Riley
This has been a difficult issue that has been discussed at length for many years. The current proposal involves using a combination of 1) limited Residential Permit Parking (RPP); 2) painting the curbs to deter poor parking, painting "hockey sticks" to define a parking space; 3) no installation of parking meters at this stage. While the current RPP program generates about $20,000 a year, the program administration cost is $80,000. It was noted that the South Congress merchants might consider contributing to this expense. Signage alone appears to be mostly effective but is not followed up with enforcement. Beyond parking availability, residents are concerned about more serious issues like loitering on private property, intoxication, trash, and public urination. Early proposals to utilize parking meters along Congress Ave were unpopular with merchants and with residents concerned about pushing parking farther into the residential streets. Congress has been reconfigured with angled back-in parking successfully. The discussion of options include: a) systematic allocation a mix of meters, RPP, (meters on East/West streets; RPP on North/South streets) b) one side of a street completely RPP (including merchant employees) with other side open. Alternatives might be shuttles to parking lots in the area are underutilized? A "business improvement" / taxation district could be established to help fund some of these improvements. Could the total number of events along South Congress be limited? This discussion is ongoing and citizens are encouraged to participate.
7. 7:55 of Update on 517 E. Oltorf--Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, Inc.’s request of Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, Inc. (C14-2013-0081) to upzone to GR (with conditional overlay) to increase its impervious cover limit and allow for additional construction.
Presenter: Marty Christman, SRCC member
The property owner is looking to upgrade from SF-2 (45% impervious cover) to GR (90% impervious cover) and has pursued this with the City. Planning Commission voted against GR and GO upzoning. We suggested that the applicant ask for a variance for the impervious cover but showing a hardship appears to be difficult to prove and the City suggested they would not get it. The current impervious cover is approximately 83%. Would it be possible to split the property so that half of it could be upzoned? On May 1st this case goes back to Council but might be postponed. Without a proper survey there is no way to know exactly what changes need to be made.
8. 8:05 Update on Historic Distric project
Presenter: Michele Webre, SRCC member
The design standards have been drafted and are available at They are in need of block captains to go door to door for signatures supporting the district. Michele has been working since 2008 and this is the last push to finish what has been started. The organizers have worked hard to accommodate all types of homes and changes. There was discussion of having a meeting, or series of meetings, to educate the neighbors and push forward on the final steps. For more information, please check out the fabulous website at, aka: the chicken yard signs.

9. 8:10 District 9 Neighborhood Leaders meetings - request for volunteers to attend meetings where various neighborhoods that fall within the same council district can discuss their issues, explore common interests. SRCC needs to attend both District 9 and District 3 meetings.
Presenter: Eric Rangel, SRCC President
We are in two City Council Districts. Most of the SRCC is in District 9 and that district has organized an alliance so neighborhoods can identify what issues we have in common. District 3 also has a group meeting and we are looking for 3 volunteers to participate in each group. A form was handed out at the meeting asking for attendees to identify issues important to them and that information will be taken to the next meeting.
10. 8:15 Waiver Request 518 E. Live Oak The Zoning Committee of South River City Citizens met on March 13th to discuss the proposed variances to the side setbacks and the Macmansion ordinance at 518 E. Live Oak. The applicant, Ms. Dagmar Grieder, is proposing to add a second story to the rear of the house, conforming to the existing first floor exterior, to add a bedroom and bath. Front entrance to be preserved. The SRCC committee voted not to oppose. This committee recommendation is subject to the vote of general membership of SRCC on April 7.
Presenter: Jean Mather, SRCC Chair of Planning & Zoning committee
The Planning and Zoning Committee reviewed the case and recommended that we vote not to oppose the variance. MOTION: Jean Mather / Elloa Mathews - to support the Planning and Zoning Committee's recommendation not to oppose the setback and tent intrusion variances = PASSED

10. 8:20 Toni House - Wednesday the 16th will be a Community In A Box meeting for the SRCC area East of I-35.

Agenda Prepared by Eric Rangel


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