SRCC general meeting minutes - 5/7/07 srcc meeting



treasurer's report:

      1. terry has the details



      1. miller/crocker gsrcc plan amendment 5/16/07

            a. 2 events/yr

            b. 50 max servings

            c. 14 units

            d. no amped music

            e. voluntary stricter impervious limits

            f. food/drink charged to rooms

      2. 1406-1506 parker lane before council 5/17/07

            a. 6 week postponement

            b. srcc supports sf-3

      3. twin oaks library rnovation 6/4/07-9/29/07

            a. closed for facelift

      4. commander's forum 5/8/07

      5. south congress post office ceremony to honor henry ybarra 5/12/07

            a. sat. 12th, 10:30am, park at N entrance

            b. ybarra kia in iraq

            c. post office to be named after him


fund raising proposals, bruce barrick:

      1. coffee table book of srcc unique and historic homes

      2. business directory of recommended services

      3. contact bruce to volunteer for this fund raising activity


rg4n (walmart boycott):

      1. lawsuit pending and looking for support of boycott

      2. currently 25,000 austin households are boycotting

      3. motion: srcc support for boycott - passed


south austin moms, perry ray:

      1. no show


22/300 riverside, richard suttle:

      1. this is the proposed condo/apartments on riverside next to the statesman and east bouldin creek

      2. developer purchased property knowing there was a waterfront overlay that restricted development on the property but proceeded with plan expecting to have city council grant variances to allow for expanded development

      3. current site plan complies with 150' setback and 80'  setback from the creek - they are seeking a variance on height and for a driveway connecting the 2 parcels since the 150' setback would divide the property in 2

      4. srcc is awaiting information from the developer concerning % of affordable housing and length of time affordable housing would be provided

      5. srcc is also awaiting information on the total sqft available to the developer in each proposed scenario:

            a. what is the current sqft of existing structure

            b. what is proposed sqft of development if existing structure remains and 2 towers are built

            c. what is the proposed sqft of development if existing buildings demolished and entirely new structures built

      6. the developer is looking to maximize profit and needs to create a certain amount of sqft to meet their profitability goals but this does not qualify as hardship as it is purely a financial decision


cissi's market, craig thibodeaux:

      1. thanks to cissi's market for providing us with cookies and coffee at our meeting


membership drive:

      1. should be an ongoing effort

      2. should we make the listserv more exclusive to members?

      3. motion: to approach local realtors to include the first year srcc membership free with new home purchase to encourage participation of new neighbors - passed


fourth of july:

      1. looking for committee chair for the next event

      2. betty weed is providing an event todo list for guidance

      3. wendy todd is to call jennifer kim's office for parade permit

      4. motion: to provide $1,000 for parade permit and insurance -  passed



      1. submit articles by june 1st

      2. new newsletter will include a form to join the srcc, make extra donations and identify area of interest you'd like that donation applied to


other business, committee reports:

      1. historic zoning

            a. mike poole forming committee to promote travis heights as a historic district (live oak, 35, congress, town lake)

            b. looking for fund raising ideas to pay for architectural historians and other expenses of the process

      2. motion: to support the heritage society position on maintaining existing capitol view corridors - passed

      3. south congress improvement ideas

            a. started with $4million, $.5million for school for deaf wall, $800k spent without a record, $2.7million remains for project

            b. businesses oppose trees that might block signage

            c. city proposes trees along fulmore and church

            d. invert angled parking for safety, easier exit

            e. parallel parking to make space for bike lanes

            f. sidewalks on mary

            g. pedestrian islands

            h. highlighted crosswalks

            i. gateway streets

            j. tiled street names





SRCC co-secretary