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South River City Citizens (SRCC) Neighborhood Association

June 6, 2005 General Meeting Minutes (Tim Mahoney, SRCC Secretary)

1. Introductions;

2. Treasurer’s Report – Terry Frantz

3A. APD Officer Scott: Mission Hill report, crime status; New Mexican Consultant meeting; New assistance for TABC where APD makes initial recommendations beyond just applicant, but including previous history of clubs currently owned, previously owned, DWI’s associated with such institutions and ownership relationships with spouse, managers and other significant employees. Notice for people keeping garage doors open late at night is an open invitation to criminals; also watch those CDs; the new newsletter for the Southeast Area Command Newsletter; office is moving next week, to an office complex; prostitution sting recently, related to narcotic needs of prostitute, related to stolen sales at Tinnon Ford flea market, Pleasant Valley at South Lakeshore Drive, the old Aquarius Drive; Bellaire Hotel (South Congress by St. Ed’s in the Dawson neighborhood area) is also waiting to upgrade it’s clientele so that it overcomes its historical relationship to illegal activities.

3B. Blunn Creek: Elloa Matthews reports of meeting month or so ago with Glen Rose Engineering (Matt Hollen, Lauren Ross), Elloa, Jeff Kessel, and Dannette. Status that Walmart fell short of agreement originally made during a year plus ago. Jeff Kessel gave a status report. Believes that we are still have a chance to get Walmart to live up to agreement.

Payload Pass status is next on-line. St. Edward’s is an on-going concern (Master Plan will not be known until September). Sherwood Oaks pipe project. Motion: 20 for, 3 abstain: That SRCC hire Jeff Kessel’s firm ($120 per hour), up to $10,000, that such monies be monitored by the Blunn Creek Committee, and that such Committee review budgets and projects by Jeff Kessel’s firm for the Blunn Creek area, especially the upper creek area, and that a report be made to the membership in August. And that the current membership of the committee consists of Elloa, Dannette, David Swann, and David Todd; membership in the committee may be added to.

4. Betty Weed reports that the 4th of July parade will occur as stated; David Coupal is coordinating volunteers for the day of the event; Betty Weed is coordinating volunteers for the other times. Discussion on what to use excess money for this year, Austin Community Foundation (ACF) non-profit funds: 1) keeping Little Stacy Park pool open later; and 2) Stacy Park improvements, erosion controls; 3) other fund monies. Elloa Matthews suggests letter to City about keeping pool open to later as present time, which is done subject to fundraising efforts. Teresa Griffin said that we need to keep conscious of the fact that we need money for all efforts for all the neighborhood, not just Little Stacy Park. Motion: Beyond the $4,000 reserved for next year’s expenses, net proceed from the 4th are to be designated for park improvements and pool operation extensions, such amounts to be decided at a general membership meeting after the 4th of July. Passed 16 for, 3 opposed.

5. Sherri Ancipink: City willing to spend ½ of cost of paving Stacy Park Tennis Courts. $2,700 is available ($930 in SRCC bank "Kaboom" fund and about $1,800 in Austin Parks Foundation account that Sherri says is there). Motion that $2,700 be available to pay this part of the cost. Passes, 19 for and 3 abstained.

6. Danette has brochures for 6th and Lamar PUD, sentiment for surrounding neighborhoods is against this proposal. See for information about signing a petition against this development. Motion: We oppose the rezoning of the northeast corner of 6th and Lamar (the old Whole Foods site) and urge that any new development at the site be compatible with surrounding commercial and residential neighbors and local business. Passes 20 for, none against.

7. Motion for donating $100 from SRCC general fund for buying fans in honor of Mary Lou McLain (deceased wife of new councilmember Lee Leffingwell) for the program of Austin Family Eldercare. Passes with no opposition

8. Appreciation for local police will probably be scheduled for October general membership meeting.

9. Eastside planning process hits the skids with a recent proposal at 5 pm last Friday for a meeting this Wednesday, where the City staff is going to present a proposal that the ACC golf course be changed from "__" to "__." Motion to oppose, passes without opposition.

10. Jean Mather. Open Houses a week apart. Eastside, Ruiz library, 6/14/05, 5 to 8 pm; other area, South River City area, 6/21/05, Travis High School, Surveys available for both areas, deadlines may be changed, but currently June 14th for Eastside, and July 8th for Greater South River City.

11. Committee Reports:

Dawn Cizmar, a committee of one: new Long Center, which will replace the Old Palmer Center (which is being torn down now), transportation issues, including traffic and pedistrian issues.

Sector 7: Pat Wallace and Rev. talked about trying to get the pond saved and green space by South Cliff Apartments.

  1. Pat Wallace said to watch out for investment letters from development people trying to get people to sell their property for simple "higher and best use".
  • Film to be done in the area, time not known yet, a kid’s film "How to Eat Fried Worm," announcement by John P. Crowley, Location Manager, 400 Nueces Street, 469-1760.