SRCC meeting notes 9-8-2008


1 -- treasurer's report: bob drew
did you know that most existing SRCC funds are already committed? be sure to pay your membership dues so we can continue to function in the most effective manner possible.

2 -- 1603 s congress, variance to compatibility height limit from 40' to 43.5' within 50' of SF3

the currently empty parking lot next to the baptist church has been sold and will be developed into a 3 story "boutique hotel"; they are requesting a variance of a few feet but have no hardship reason; SRCC vp sarah campbell and danette chimenti attended the meeting and will be filling us in soon. ["Leased, not sold: Just slight correction of leasing vs selling of church parking lot is in the neighborhood of $184,154,293 profit to Congress Ave. Baptist . . . ."]

3 -- 209 leland, variance request; very little new information was given about this project but the requests have not been opposed by srcc

4 -- statesman litter: garret nick

the statesman accepts advertising dollars in exchange for distributing free/promotional newspapers to residents that include a shortened version of the news section. these papers are distributed to neighborhood residents by way of throwing them in our yards without permission.

MOTION: the SRCC requests that the statesman cease the delivery of free / promotional newspapers within our boundaries unless specifically requested by and individual resident. = PASSED with the agreement to further investigate the issue with the help of jean warnake before writing a letter to the editor.

5 -- batfest: danette chimenti


6 -- detention ponds at alpine and warehouse row: david todd

the city has agreed to install detention ponds near the headwaters of blunn creek but the ponds are not compliant with current zoning so the zoning is being changed. the zoning change would be from LR (local retail) to P (public).

MOTION: SRCC approves the rezoning of the property for this purpose = PASSED

7 -- neighbor being repeatedly vandalized: catherine caper

a new neighbor on the corner of annie and nickerson has been threatened and harassed by vandals causing thousands of dollars of damage and making them feel unsafe and unwanted in the neighborhood. the police have been called, cameras installed and a PI hired but as a community we would like to see some outreach to welcome them to the area and discourage negativity. it was proposed that we add the story to the next newsletter.

8 -- art auction and pleas to stop domain subsidy: brian rodgers

in november, proposition 2 will be voted on that would end the retail subsidy given to the domain shopping center in north austin. the owner of the development, simon malls, is looking to receive nearly 60 million dollars of taxpayer dollars over the next 20 years. brian rodgers argues there is no reason to pay retailers to come to austin and that locally owned business doesn't receive these handouts and the money actually subsidizes the competition. there will be a political action art auction this saturday the 13th at 2200 south lamar. visit for more information on the issue and how you can get involved.

9 -- committee reports

a. newsletter deadline september 25th; please submit stories and information you'd like to see included,

10 -- other

a. historic district update: the process is expensive so a fundraiser is being held at mercury hall, september 21st, with a silent auction. donations are accepted including $ - visit

b. norwood restoration project ? support is on the rise by groups like the heritage society; historic zoning needs to be restored; a grant has been applied for to repair the roof; donations are needed including $, time, help


