South River City Citizens (SRCC: minutes for meeting of general membership, October 1, 2012 return to SRCC home page

7:15 PM
205 East Monroe; Austin, Texas


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1. 7:15 Room arrangement, meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome newcomers
Presenter throughout: Marc Davis, President, unless otherwise noted
2. 7:20 Membership & voting announcements.
Presenter: Carol Martin, Vice President and Membership Chair
We are now sending out reminder postcards to individuals when it is time to renew membership.
3. 7:22 Approve minutes from September 3, 2012, last regular monthly meeting
MOTION: Garret Nick / Jean Mather - to approve the minutes from last month = PASSED
4. 7:25 Treasurer's Report
Presenter: Les Case, Treasurer
Account reconciliation, Profit & Loss, and Balance reports available from treasurer
5. 7:30 Committee Chairs' reports
Parks, Schools, Environment: Saturday the 6th will be a Blunn Creek Nature Preserve work day. If you'd like to help remove invasives and plant new trees, please show up at the St Edwards Drive entrance.
Planning & Zoning see items below; Transportation & Public Safety: see items below
Norwood; The restoration of the Norwood House could begin as soon as next month!
Historic District: no report;
Communications - no report;
Financial - They have put together some organizational proposals that will be ready to present to the Executive Committee soon.
Reps to ANC Austin Neighborhoods Council - Visit for all information and issues related to the ANC. Â The ANC voted to support the 10-1 City Council representation plan.

6. 7:40 Update on Neighborhood Watch
Presenters: Raymond Sinatra, Member (others)
National Night Out is this coming Tuesday, October . Several areas are having block parties. Raymond is hosting his block party on Saturday, October 6 from 11am to 2pm at 1002 Fairmont (between Travis Heights Boulevard & Kenwood). The Neighborhood Watch Program is planning to schedule the next training session in early November. Volunteers will be trained to participate in the Citizen Patrol effort. It involves: be observant, carry a cell phone, and call 911 if you see suspicious activity. We are asking for volunteers for two patrols per month for thirty minutes to an hour. SRCC provides magnetic signs for car that identify our NW program. Volunteers can also walk or ride. wearing NW t-shirts to make sure the patrols are highly visible.
7. 7:45 Update on 1227 Newning development
Presenter: Carol Martin, will share report from Marc Davis, President
Marc Davis met with the residents to discuss the development and the process for improved communication. Marc will serve as the intermediary so the developer has a single point of contact. Neighbors should contact Marc when they have a concern so that the developer can address the issues. The developer will provide regular status reports to let neighbors know in advance what will be happening during the construction.

8. 7:50 The auto body shop at 2311 Rebel Road.
The residents of Rebel Road and Sunset Circle are concerned about code violations and negative impact on neighbors. Jose Martinez is representing nearby residents in communications with APD and City of Austin.
Presenters: Jose Martinez, resident
This business is located at 2311 Rebel Rd, a couple doors west of Curra's on Oltorf. The neighbors have recorded a number of code violations including the business parking customer cars along the street. Wreckers drop cars off in the middle of the night on a very regular basis and those cars are sometimes left there for months. Neighbors have collected thirteen signatures and turned them in to the Mayor asking for a meeting with the police chief. Employees and customers have been seen littering and loitering on neighboring properties. The business does not have permission to be painting but does so regularly and late night working has also been recorded. Some neighbors have expressed fear over signing the petition for fear of retribution by the business and employees.
MOTION: Jean Mather / Ken - to send a letter to City Council, City Manager and Director of Planning in support of the residents' requests for code enforcement and response to the issues identified by the neighbors = PASSED
9. 8:00 Whip In Redevelopment
Presenter: Dipak Topiwala, Whip In owner
The Health Department made a recent inspection of the Whip In and determined they needed to expand the restrooms. Currently they are retail with an accessory kitchen and accessory seating. As Whip In has grown their restaurant business, the city is initiating changing their status to a restaurant which would require them to provide adequate parking for customers. Now they have 43 spaces and 100 (???) would be required. Â Whip In's first attempt to acquire permission to use adjacent properties' parking lots have not yet been successful but they will continue to pursue this solution.
10. 8:10 Update on 1100 Manlove Street
Applicant is requesting a Neighborhood Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Single-Family (SF-3) to Neighborhood Mixed Use (NMU). Â (Community Meeting about it this evening Oct 1.)
Presenter: Jean Mather, Tony House, members
The owner of the property has been using the property for commercial purposes for the last three years. He parks commercial vehicles along the residential street and uses it for commercial access. This new request is in conflict with existing plans that work to maintain the current land use.
MOTION: Toni House / Jean Mather - to support the EROC contact team's position to oppose the change = PASSED

A short presentation was given asking for support of Proposition 13 in particular and the entire bond package in general.

Thank you, Garret Nick, Secretary


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