SRCC general meeting notes 11-3-2008

1 – treasurer's report: bob drew
the final payout was made for payload pass work done by  PBS&J the 4th of july fund held by the austin community fund is  not earning interest 

2 – private security for the neighborhood: marc davis
given the rising crime statistics in the SRCC borders  some residents have begun compiling information about hiring a  private security force to make up for a lack of response from APD.  APD patrols have not noticeably increased and arrests have been few.  based on a program implemented by pemberton heights, neighbors have  researched hiring off duty APD officers to make extra patrols (car,  bike, foot), give feedback on resident behavior that encourages crime  and hopefully make arrests. an experimental program could be  introduced during the holiday season and that data used to tweak the  program. at 20 hours a week the program would cost approximately  $3,000/month. the role of the SRCC is uncertain as of yet but a  listserv was started for those interested in helping to plan - it was  agreed that $30/month is the upper threshold for what residents are  willing to pay. with 60 more households that threshold is  attainable. the data collected by this project could be used to push  the issue with APD. you can check a list of reported incidents on  the APD website. this information will be added to the next  newsletter to garner support and funding to expand the project. if  you are interested in participating/contributing to the cause, please  join the yahoo group b/c the organizers are looking to get started as  soon as possible. be sure to report any and all crimes to APD.
MOTION: to write a letter to APD from SRCC addressing  this issue and copying city council and the district attorney = PASSED 

3 – live music task force recommendations: danette chimenti
danette is the current president of the austin  neighborhoods council which has been monitoring the work done by a  city appointed 15 person task force comprised of 12 music industry  people, 2 planning commission people and 1 neighborhood rep. the ANC  voted unanimously that the recommendations fall short. while many  issues have been addressed by the task force they seem to have  overlooked residential proximity. outdoor live music near residences  has been a growing problem due partially to a disagreement about  acceptable decibel levels and at what times such activity should be  permitted. peer cities examined have chosen to adopt ordinances that  address this same issue and in general the decibel levels and times  are more restrictive than what is being proposed by the task force.  council will review the findings on nov 20th so now is a good time to  write them with your concerns/stories.
MOTION: to write letter in support of ANC letter asking  city council not move forward until they address the compatibility  issue = PASSED
4 – weekend bridge and road closings: danette chimenti
the city put together a task force to examine the issue  of bridge and street closures for various events. the current  ordinance sets a limit of 12 events per street per year but talk of  exempting existing iconic events from this limit would raise this  limit. current requirements for organizers to gather 80-90% of the  signatures of "affected parties" might be waived or removed  completely. so far there is little consensus on what to do but the  group is meeting every monday night from 5-7 at the waller creek  building room 104. we are all encouraged to participate. 

5 – crime wave in area 8: roni clark
area 8 is also experiencing an increase in crime and  looking for ways to curb it. the city offered to install more street  lights if the neighbors cover the cost. participation in the private  security proposal mentioned earlier is one option.   

6 – boardwalk letter to staff and council: gayle goff
a letter about the hike and bike trail extension east of  congress has been written to express concerns and ideas about the  location of the path with a focus being placed on keeping as much of  it on land as possible and using a boardwalk as a last resort  component of a hybrid solution.
MOTION: submit letter to the PARD board = PASSED
7 – guero's – rob lippincott
the 13 year owner of guero's on south congress is seeking  an upgrade to his liquor license that would allow him to serve till  2am 7 days a week. he says it will add value to his business and  allow his managers to legally have a drink after work although he  claims he has no intention to change his current business hours.  this issue was brought up at a previous SRCC meeting when we voted to  oppose the license upgrade. no new action was taken.
8 – committee reports –
a. 1711 kenwood requested a variance to decrease the  minimum lot size for having a duplex from 7,000 sq. ft. to 6,956 sq.  ft. No neighbors appeared in opposition so SRCC decided to take no  action.
b. november 11th at del valle junior high school (5500  ross rd) at 6:30 will be the next APD commander's forum. the  location of the forum changes but the issues addressed will be city  wide so please participate to learn more about how our police force  can work better for us.


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