South River City Citizens (SRCC): minutes for meeting of general
December 2, 2013
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7:15 PM
205 East Monroe; Austin, Texas
1. 7:15 Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome newcomers.
State your full name when presenting or seconding a motion.
Presenter throughout: Marc Davis, President, unless otherwise noted.
2. 7:20 Membership & voting announcements.
If you pay multiple years in advance, you will get a discount.
Single membership: 1-yr $20; 2-yr $35; 3-yr $50
Family membership: 1-yr $35; 2-yr $65; 3-yr $95
3. 7:22 Approve minutes
from November 4, 2013, last regular monthly meeting
MOTION: Jean Mather/Marty Peck - to approve minutes from November 4, 2013 =
4. 7:25 Treasurer's report (forthcoming)
November 2013
Account reconciliation, Profit & Loss and Balance reports available upon request
from treasurer
Presenter: Nancy Byrd, Treasurer
5. 7:30 Committee Chairs' reports--
1) Parks, Schools, Environment (no report); 2) Planning & Zoning
(items below);
3) Transportation & Public Safety (no report);
4) Financial Committee--Sam Martin--status report on projects funded by
Austin Community Foundation;
5) Historic District (no report);
6) Norwood--Wolf Sitler--reported on Norwood House
progress--waiting for materials tests to
comply with a City of Austin requirement for a
hazardous materials report--delays with pro bono engineer, asked for help in
finding a new pro bono engineer;
7) Reps to ANC (Austin Neighborhoods
Council)(no report);
8) Communication (no report); 9) Quality of Life (no report)
6. 7:40 Update on Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) process
(Web sites with maps
Presenters: Carol Martin, VP; Jean Mather, zoning committee
Carol provided the link to the online map to see detailed map
of the new City Council district boundaries.
Most of the area within SRCC's geographic boundaries
is in District 9. SRCC's area south of Woodward is in District 3. See map
of adjacent districts--Bouldin is in district 5, Barton Hills is in District 8.
The impact of switching from at-large representation on City
Council to geographic districts on the political environment is yet to be seen.
How the voting behavior of new district reps will work with SRCC's traditional
interests to protect neighborhood in zoning issues, commercialization pressures,
traffic, Lady Bird Lake in regard to City of Austin decisions yet to be seen.
Carol is interested in seeing a zoning layer on the map of districts to evaluate
strength of residential interests. Much discussion on outcome of districting
placing SRCC with downtown and north central neighborhoods instead of a block of
south Austin neighborhoods as SRCC lobbied for. Kathy Tovo resides in district 9
and is planning on running for re-election and is a strong voice for
neighborhood interests. SRCC will encourage efforts to register voters and get
out the vote during election time.
7. 7:50 Update on 517 E. Oltorf--Apostolic Assembly of the Faith
in Christ Jesus, Inc., request (C14-2013-0081) to upzone to
GR (with conditional overlay) to increase its impervious cover
limit and allow for additional construction. Discussion of
continuation of SRCC support for AAFCJ variance request.
Presenters: Russell Fraser, Kent Anschutz, Zoning committee
Representatives from the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus
appeared before the Planning Commission on November 12 to ask for a zoning
change to GR--
see backup documents.
After meeting with SRCC's zoning committee to work out an agreement,
The Church proceeded to appear before the Planning Commission
with their original request contrary to SRCC's compromise agreement.
Russell Fraser, Jean Mather, and Elloa Mathews are monitoring
the progress of the rezoning request and are less
inclined to support a compromise with this group again.
Much discussion about the church's dismissal of the good faith
effort from SRCC. Upzoning to GR is inappropriate
for this property. The increase in impervious
cover is unnecessary with the amount of asphalt parking tha
is not being used. The Public Safety Commission
is concerned with too much impervious contributing
to recent flooding. The Planning Commission
voted against the request in the November 12 meeting. No
additional requests have been scheduled yet. Zoning committee will continue to
monitor requests for action on this rezoning request.
8. 8:00 Update on Congress Avenue
Baptist Church request (C14-2013-0022) to up-zone to GR
(with conditional overlay) to allow for commercial parking and
the eventual construction of a parking garage
on the back half of its lot. The church is going to Planning Commission on December 10 and we need your support
Presenter: Marc Davis, President
SRCC has already voted against the proposal,
which is not consistent with
neighborhood plan because the parking structure is not compatible. At a previous
hearing, the merchants' association asked for a 2-month delay.
Gary Schotts of the Transportation Department will recommend to
the planning commission that no decision be made that will
preclude eventual building of a parking garage. As a result Greg Guernsey COA
staff made changes in the original recommendation for Upzoning. The
recommendation does not include height restrictions…., other forces,
interested in parking garage though this is NOT in the original request. City
staff has recommended for upzoning potential height requirements, etc. loosen
even more in response to Transportation dept. Possibility that issue goes to
Council December 12 (to be confirmed). SRCC should ask for a postponement that
Marc asking for neighborhood voices to come to City Hall for this city
anticipating future need use…Need a valid petition to be submitted soon.
MOTION: Jean Mather/ Marty Peck--if we learn that the city council has this
item on the agenda for 12/12, SRCC will ask for a postponement = PASSED
9. 8:10 Report on South Central Waterfront Overlay plan.
Waterfront walking tour December 7, 2013. 9:50 am to 12 noon.
Presenter: Wendy Price Todd
Group is working on the waterfront plan for development along Lady Bird Lake.
Expecting a change because the current overlay does not support the future
growth for this area. Wendy is on the Advisory Group. Garret Nick has agreed to
be the SRCC rep and will attend the sessions and report back to SRCC. Planning
dept has to deliver a plan for the south side of Lady Bird Lake. Waterfront
walking tour on Saturday December 7, 2013; 9:50 am to 12 noon. Meet at One Texas
Center and include the area around Blunn Creek. UPDATE: Saturday's forecast of
freezing rain has the city considering a postponement of this event. Alan Holt,
Sylvia Guerrero at COA Planning dept state that nothing on the board yet.
Residents are encouraged to sign up for the email list, give neighborhood input,
stay on point about the boardwalk, add more parkland relative to density, add
more amenities in proportion to more height. Recently a sustainable design
assessment team presented a multi- disciplinary study of the area. Meeting was
held at Mexican american cultural center. The High Line in NYC is example of
neighborhood input and what is possible. Wendy welcomes lots of inquiries.
10. 8:20 Discussion of 2009 Alta Vista variance request.
Joseph Kurth goes before the BOA on December 9.
Presenter: Jean Mather, Zoning Committee
Owner Mr. Kurth, a realtor, wants a five-foot variance.
He hired a contractor to build a carport and storage on the lot line. He proceeded with the project
without a building permit. SRCC Zoning subcommittee did not support his
MOTION: Tim Boswell/Carol Martin--SRCC does not support the request for
variance = PASSED
11. 8:25 Proposal for SRCC to sign a no-fee retainer
with Pete Reid Law for legal advice and
review of property and zoning cases
Presenter: Marc Davis, President
Mr. Reid has provided review and advice to SRCC on multiple complex contract
engagements, the Sunnymeade letter of understanding, a private restrictive covenant
regarding Reagan signs, etc. Property litigator Pete Reid has proposed a retainer
agreement that states there will be no fee. SRCC is not compelled to accept
advice, but useful to get his review.
MOTION: Dannette Chimenti/Jim Hallinan--Pending review by SRCC member Cynthia
Milne, attorney, SRCC will sign no-fee retainer agreement with Peter Reid Law =
12. 8:30 Discussion of the current Project Connect
light rail proposal that the City of Austin is considering
Presenter: Marc Davis, President
Mr. Selso from Capital Metro explained corridor study locally. At this stage
deciding the location; next stage will decide the preferred mode of
transportation (light rail, etc.). The central corridor, still in planning, two
subcorridors already in process. There will be a January briefing on both the
Highland corridor and the East Riverside corridor including demographics and
economics future … high capacity transit. Lee Leffingwell, committee will
make the decision about paths modes. Neighborhood
interest … public feedback critical. Jean Mather, Jeff Kessel, Marty Peck
will represent SRCC to monitor this issue.
Mark Vornberg requesting clarification of code from Board of Adjustment. His
clients, Angella Emmett and Tom Siragusa, 2100 THB homeowners, want to build 2nd
building on the lot. They wanted more than 500 sf on 1st level. submitted request
limited to 800 sf--allows exemption of garage and attic; BOA agrees that the
plan meets the exemption for a basement, but states it does not apply to 2nd
Grace United Methodist Church--GUMC task force to decide future of this church, Methodist Conference needs way
to demonstrate that GUMC will become self sufficient. Conference leaders believe
GUMC cannot fulfill its mission if it does not have parking space; it wants to know if SRCC will oppose parking garage. They want SRCC to facilitate
discussion between 3 churches about sharing parking: Lutheran, Baptist,
Elloa will be the liaison
Save the Date : SRCC annual membership meeting / pot luck dinner /
elections. Tuesday March 4,
2014; starts 6:00 pm. Bring a dish. Kids welcome.
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