MONDAY, MAY 4, 2009
7:00 PM
1. 7:00 Present meeting procedures. Welcome newcomers.
2. 7:05 Approve minutes from April 6, 2009 general
membership meeting (available
3. 7:10 SOCO LOFTS
developer has filed a zoning amendment to
increase daily vehicle trips; made SRCC
presentation April 6,
2009; seeks SRCC support.
Presenter: Marc Davis, VP SRCC & Interim Chair
the Transportation and Public
Safety Standing Committee, will present findings and a recommendation for SRCC vote.
4. 7:25 Request for support for variance for carport
at 2504 Little John Lane, CV-2008-097009
Presenter: Werner Campbell, agent, or Michael Canney,
5. 7:40 Proposal for courtesy vote:
Presenter: Sarah Campbell, President. Create an SRCC ad hoc Communications
Committee to investigate & recommend to membership the most up-to-date ways for SRCC, as a volunteer and
non-profit community
organization, to integrate and improve upon the following services:
Membership -- numbers of & ways to
increase; current status; areas of stated
interest; access to & for; automatic reminders of dues, meetings;
Newsletter -- increased access;
additional information; online format; increased
outreach for more articles; frequency; etc.
List Serve -- security & privacy;
ownership by SRCC; etc.
Website/Web Presence -- potential for
new website parallel to existing to serve
different computer capabilities/needs of membership; integration of
the other 3 services; privacy &
security; ownership by SRCC; costs; etc.
Committee Membership to include: Sarah Campbell,
President; Marc Davis,
Vice-President; Garret Nick and Dawn Cizmar, Co-Secretaries; Carol Martin, Membership List
Manager; Bob Drew, Treasurer; Helen Day Valdez,
Newsletter Editor; and Jane Kellogg, owner & manager of the current website,
and list serve.
Committee to convene first official meeting no later than
May 15, 2009. Meetings may be held via email as long as records are
maintained by Record-Keeper. Members to appoint, at a minimum, a Chair and
a Record-Keeper/Secretary at
first meeting. Committee will present a written account of its findings and recommendations by no later than 3 months
after its first meeting. The account will be posted on the list serve
for commentary and input prior
to a membership vote. Interim monthly
reports to membership may
be at discretion of the committee Chair.
6. 7:50 Proposal for courtesy vote:
Presenter: Sarah Campbell, President. Create an SRCC ad hoc Financial Policy & Procedures Committee to
investigate & recommend to membership
best financial practices for SRCC, as a volunteer and non-profit community organization, to include but not be limited to the following:
Limitations of
SRCC as a 501(c)(4) organization
Annual budget
Investments/holding of assets
Optimal fundraising methods
Special funds
Use of funds
Advertising in newsletter
Developer buy-offs
Committee Membership to be composed of Sarah Campbell,
President; Bob Drew, Treasurer; David
Swann, member; Sam Martin, Area Coordinator; and
Gayle Goff, member.
Committee to convene first official meeting no later than
June 1, 2009. Meetings may be held via email as long as records are
maintained by Record-Keeper.Members to appoint, at a minimum, a Chair and
a Record-Keeper / Secretary at
first meeting. Committee will present a written account of its findings and recommendations by no later than 3 months
after its first meeting. The account will be posted on the list serve
for commentary and input prior
to a membership vote. Interim monthly
reports to membership may
be at discretion of the committee Chair.
7. 8:00 Motion:
Support the attached [no attachment
provided] concerns and recommendations of the EROC Neighborhood Plan Contact Team
regarding Austin Parks & Recreation
Long Range Plan 2010-2015 ( ), by letter from SRCC
President to the Director of PARD.
Presenter: Toni
House, member and Secretary, EROC NPCT
8. 8:10 Request for variance at 611 Long Bow Lane to
"decrease the minimum
side street setback ... from 15 feet to 0 feet in order to maintain an attached carport", C15-2009-0032
Presenter: Sarah Campbell, President
9. 8:20 SRCC 4th of July fundraising t-shirts
Presenter: Teri Hubbeling, Area Coordinator
10. 8:30 4th of July Task List and signup.
Items will not necessarily be taken in order of
Agenda prepared by Sarah Campbell 462-2261