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[this version incorporates
additional comments; rec'd from A.Smith 4/22/04 pm]
Blunn Creek Walkabout
May 21, 2004
The Walkabout started at 3:30PM at 709 East
Monroe Street, and visited the creek from Monroe to Riverside,
and West Live Oak to Mariposa. Lorrie Dehaas, Kenny Hilbig, Tim
Mahoney, Karen Marks, Esther Matthews, Ted Siff, and David Todd
attended. Matt Hollon was unable to meet, but added comments by
phone. Adam Smith and Scott Whiteman of the City of Austin
planning staff helped lead the discussion and walk.
Restore Blunn Creek to a functioning ecosystem
with adequate stream flows, good floodwater detention and erosion
protection, safe water quality, robust aquatic life, native
plants, intact banks, and stable canopy trees.
- Accelerated erosion of creek in past five
years since expansion of Ben White / 71 bypass,
construction of Home Depot store, and additions to
Gardner-Betts Juvenile Justice Center without sufficient
detention or other mitigation.
- Capping and loss of spring flows
- Disappearance and pollution of swimming
- Loss of aquatic life, including frogs,
turtles, snakes, fish in Creek
- Diversion of Big Stacy pool return flows
- Invasion of nonnative plants, including
bamboo, nandina, ligustrum, etc.
- Loss of major canopy trees
- Breaks in Blunn Creek hike and bike trail:
disconnected from Town Lake trail and Blunn Nature
Stormwater detention:
- Protect AISD tract at Payload Pass from
development and additional impervious cover.
- Have City or TXDOT receive fee simple
title to, or place conservation easement on all or
floodplain portion of AISD tract
- Construct detention and infiltration
structure on AISD tract.
- Include outdoor educational access and/or
facility at AISD tract.
- Explore options for alternative drainage
and infiltration for parking in Twin Oaks, Beall's and
Bank of America parking lots
- Remove paved turn-off on north side of
intersection of East Side and Monroe, and restore to soil
and vegetation.
Stormwater drainage:
- Orient drainage pipe outlets more to
direction of streamflow
- Install energy dissipators on drainline
- Install cedar logs to slow flow down banks
and hold soil
- Remove curbs and curb cuts along East Side
road, ringing Little Stacy Park to reduce creek bank
Baseflow improvement:
- Remove paving and install swale and trail
along Little Stacy Park, and along Sunset, between
Fairmount and Travis Heights Elementary School
- Uncap spring flows, especially spring at
Big Stacy
- Explore legality and cost of using pool
return flows, city treated water, or pumped groundwater
to ensure minimal flow in Creek
- Collect survey information indicating
location and size of trees in park
- Create volunteer water quality testing
- Find and index historical photos of creek
and park to track changes
- Create City-wide birding location list,
including recognition and protection of Blunn Creek as
prime site
- Improve design of bridges crossing Blunn
Creek to ensure that they don't block flow and exacerbate
eddying and erosion
- Ensure that bridge construction materials
match local landscape, i.e., laid limestone rather than
poured-in-place concrete
- Tap art-in-public-places funds to improve
park tables, benches, waste cans
- Plant native grasses and forbs in
floodplain to slow flow and hold soil
- Remove nonnatives, e.g., ligustrum,
bamboo, nandina
- Connect Blunn Creek trail from Little
Stacy Park to Town Lake, and from Big Stacy to Blunn
Creek preserve
- Reduce width of Little Stacy Park south
access road
- Encourage parking along entirety of park,
rather than concentrating in areas along Creek,
especially near Little Stacy
- Install sidewalks running east-west,
meeting at park, to take advantage of north-south park
- Divert wastewater flows to lines outside
of creek bed
- Bury above-ground electrical utilities
- Install lower, smaller-scale, dark-sky
compatible park lighting
Private lands:
- Identify, promote, and subsidize detention
measures for private lots, including rainwater
collection, berm and swale use, soil amendments, etc. (see
Bull Creek study by Jeff Kessell and Matt Holland)
- Use planning process to build community,
promote youth projects, and avoid typical land use brawls
Next meetings
- April 23, 2004, 8:40AM - Planning Advisory
Committee meeting at 1 Texas Center, 5th
Floor, 505 Barton Springs Drive
- May 15, 2004, 9AM-12noon- Community
workshop for Greater South River City Planning Area, with
SOC (Strengths, Opportunities, and Challenges) study,
meeting at St. Edward's University Jones Auditorium
Prepared by David
Todd, April 22, 2004
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