•wastewater improvement projects
Govalle 2 – Blunn
Creek Project The City has selected Oscar Renda Construction Company
as the contractor. The project location is east of South Congress and west
of IH 35 and will include work on Riverside Drive, Alameda Drive, East
Monroe, Sunset Lane, East Live Oak and Edgecliff. The purpose is to
replace aging wastewater lines which have contributed to sanitary sewer
overflows in recent years. About 4,705 feet of new wastewater pipe and 39
manholes will be installed. The staging area for storage of equipment and
materials will be located at 1625 South IH 35, northbound service road.
The staging area is bounded by IH 35 to the west, Summit Street to the
east, Woodland Avenue to the south and an office building to the north.
Construction is scheduled to begin in March and will be completed in
February 2009. Project Manager: Robert Wells,
479-1614 Construction Inspector: Phillip
Preslar, 801-8558 Govalle 2 – Harper’s
Branch Tunnel Project The City has selected Southland as the
contractor. The Harper’s Branch Project is a tunneling project
approximately 2000 feet in length that will run parallel to IH 35. The
tunnel is being constructed for the placement of a new wastewater line
that will allow for the abandonment of the existing wastewater line that
has been leaking into the creek. The north boundary of the project is
Norwood Estate Dog Park just north of Riverside Drive, and the south
boundary of the project is the TIG parking lot just south of Reagan
Terrace. The staging area for storage of equipment and materials will be
split between an area in the dog park and an area owned by TxDot just to
the east of the dog park and the TIG parking lot. Construction is
scheduled to begin this month and will be completed in February 2009. Project Manager: Sharon
Hamilton, P.E., 479-1642 Construction
Inspector: Mike Carpenter,
474-5500 With the
addition of these two projects, there will be three wastewater improvement
projects under way in the South River City Citizens’ neighborhood (the Travis
Heights project began last month and will be completed by fall 2008).
However, the Harper’s Branch project is an underground tunnel, so surface
impacts will be limited. Project managers are coordinating construction
activities to minimize disruptions as much as possible. Traffic control
plans will provide detours around construction areas in the street right
of way. Access to streets for emergency vehicles will be maintained. The
Austin Clean Water Program is the City’s response to an EPA mandate to
repair and replace aging wastewater lines or face fines of $27,500 per day
per overflow. The deadline for completion of all 100 construction projects
is June 2009. (linked maps viewable
with free Adobe reader)