South River City Citizens
neighborhood association
Austin, Texas

FIND IT SRCC info: about SRCC agendas and minutes 2014 agendas and minutes 2013 agendas and minutes 2011 and 2012 agendas and minutes 2010 agendas and minutes 2009 agendas and minutes 2008 agendas and minutes 2007 area coordinators boundaries bylaws calendar dues map of SRCC membership form meetings minutes (earlier than 2007) neighborhood e-mail list news newsletters 2014 newsletters 2013 newsletters 2012 newsletters 2011 newsletters 2010 newsletters 2009 newsletters 2008 (prior) officers planning police district representatives statistics for SRCC on-line presence Neighborhood info: Blunn Creek East Riverside Corridor master plan events historic district historic district blog Home Depot Norwood estate resource guide Save Austin Oaks schools Travis Heights Art Trail Wal-Mart wastewater improvement projects


• Newsletter for July 2014, with news of sidewalks, property appraisals, proposed closure of Woodland Avenue at I-35, zoning, and much, much more

• Agenda for meeting of general membership, Monday, August 4, 2014, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include restriping of Woodland / Annie, multiple zoning items, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list July 31]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list August 11]

• Agenda for meeting of general membership, Monday, May 5, 2014, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include issues related to South Congress, zoning matters, Project Connect, the South Central waterfront, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list May 5]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list May 14]

• 2014 Police Resource Manual : when to call 9-1-1, when to call 3-1-1, and much, much more

• Agenda for meeting of general membership, Monday, April 7, 2014, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include parking issues related to South Congress, zoning matters, report on progress toward historic district, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list April 4]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list April 11]

• Agenda for potluck supper, meeting of general membership, and election of officers Tuesday, March 4, 2014, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 6:00 pm; agenda includes potluck supper, regulation of noise during South by South West, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list February 27]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list March 11]

• Newsletter for February 2014, with news of coming annual potluck supper and elections, proposed closure of Woodland Avenue at I-35, and much, much more

• Agenda for meeting of the executive committee, Monday, February 17, 2014, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 6:00 pm; topics include proposed closure of eaast-west IH-35 underpass at Woodland Avenue, several zoning matters, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list February 14]

Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, February 3, 2014, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include proposed closure of east-west IH-35 underpass as Woodland, several zoning matters, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list January 31]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, December 2, 2013, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include update on Independent Citizens Redistricting Committee process, several zoning matters, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list November 29]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list December 4]

• Newsletter for November 2013, with several major zoning issues, traffic calming, neighborhood school activities, and much, much more

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, November 4, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include update on Independent Citizens Redistricting Committee process, zoning matters on Woodland, historic district update, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list November 2]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list November 11]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, October 7, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include Congress Avenue Baptist Church plan to use part of property for parking lot, council redistricting, coyotes, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list October 4]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list October 11]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, August 5, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include Congress Avenue Baptist Church plan to use part of property for parking lot, Reagan Signs proposal, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list August 1]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list August 12]

• Newsletter for June 2013, with zoning issues, historic preservation, neighborhood school activities, and much, much more

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, June 3, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include Austin Police Department presentation on crime prevention, zoning matters, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list May 29]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, May 6, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include proposed amendment coming to the city council concerning short-term rentals, proposed historic district, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list May 2]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list May 9]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, April 1, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include new membership-dues structure, update on the new Reagan Signs site plan, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list March 28]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list April 2]

• Agenda for SRCC annual elections meeting and potluck supper, Tuesday, March 5, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 6:00 pm; topics include financial forecast for the coming year, election of officers, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list March 1]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list March 14]

• Announcement: annual potluck supper and election of officers Tuesday, March 5, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 6 pm
The nominee slate is:
President: Marc Davis (P since 2012, VP since 2009)
Vice President: Carol Martin (VP since 2012, Communications Chair since 2010; Membership Chair as long as she can remember)
Secretary: Garret Nick (Secretary since 2007)
Treasurer: Nancy Byrd has stepped forward to replace Les Case

Nominations will be accepted from the floor. Anyone wishing to run for office is encouraged to contact Marc Davis, our current president, or any of the other officers prior to the Tuesday March 5, meeting:

Please note that this meeting differs from our normal monthly general meetings - it's on a Tuesday and it starts at 6 pm; we do this to avoid scheduling conflicts at the meeting location.

A Note on Voting Eligibility:
February 5 was the deadline to become a new member and vote at the general membership meeting, BUT if you have not lapsed membership in two years, you can pay your dues on the floor and vote. And of course, we encourage your membership in the neighborhood association at any time. And come in ny event! Meet your neighbors!
[announcement posted to the neighborhood e-mail list February 20]

• Newsletter February / March 2013 issue: read all the latest about everything, including the annual SRCC potluck supper and election of officers, the year in summary, how to become involved, and much, much more

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, February 4, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include working group on helicopter overflights, zoning matters, the March potluck and election of officers, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list January 30]

• Announcement there will be no January meeting of the general membership
[posted to the neighborhood e-mail list January 2]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, December 3, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include new membership-dues structure, announcements of future meeting dates, zoning matters, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list November 28]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list December 16]

• Minutes for meeting of the executive committee, Monday, November 19, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 6:00 pm; no agenda furnished in advance; financial matters discussed
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list December 16, 2012]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, November 5, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include residential parking permits, South Congress hotel project, proposed F1 helicopter overflights from temporary locations in South Austin, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list November 1]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list November 9]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, October 1, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include Neighborhood Watch, development at 1227 Newning, redevelopment of Whip In, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list September 28]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list October 9]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, September 3, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include Neighborhood Watch, development at 1227 Newning, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list August 20]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list September 12]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, August 6, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include parking on South Congress and nearby, Reagan Signs site at Woodland and I-35, proposal for use of Zilker Park for concert, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list August 2 pm]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list August 14]

• Announcement there will be no July meeting of the general membership

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, June 4, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include parking on South Congress and nearby, Reagan Signs site at Woodland and I-35, residential parking permits, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list May 31 pm]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list June 6]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, May 7, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include residential parking permits, Trophy's on South Congress, Reagan Signs, Imagine Austin comprehensive plan, street vendors, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list May 5 pm]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list May 10 pm]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, April 2, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include 1227 Newning, Reagan Signs, plans for site of Don-Mar, Neighborhood Watch, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list March 31 pm]

•SRCC officers elected March 6, 2012 :: :: [more information; see by-laws]
SECRETARY: Garret Nick

•Newsletter February / March 2012 issue read all the latest about everything, including the annual SRCC potluck supper and election of officers, Neighborhood Watch, historic Travis Heights/Fairview Park, the East Riverside corridor, the Norwood estate, and much, much more; Fall 2011 issue read about the Norwood estate, parking issues near South Congress, Neighborhood Watch, issues regarding the park and Blunn Creek, and much, much more

• Notice At the SRCC annual elections meeting of the general membership of SRCC on Tuesday, March 6, 2012, officer elections will be held at Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe. According to our by-laws only dues-paid members can vote. If you've been a member during the last 2 years but are not current with your dues, you can pay at the meeting. For all others there is a 28-day waiting period after joining before a member is eligible to vote. That means that February 7 was the deadline for NEW members to pay dues and vote in the election (mail an SRCC membership form accompanied by a check made payable to SRCC [memo note: membership], along with the completed form, to: SRCC, Attention: Treasurer, Post Office Box 40632, Austin, Texas 78704). Preceding the election will be a potluck supper beginning at 6 pm, followed by entertainment at 7:15, and by the elections at 7:30. Children are welcome.
• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, February 6, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include on-street parking issues, Stacy Park, requests for variances, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list February 2]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list February 9]

• Announcement there will be no January meeting of the general membership
[posted to the neighborhood e-mail list December 29]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, December 5, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include restoring wooden sash windows, residential parking permits, short-term rentals, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list December 5 pm]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list December 9]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, November 7, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include preserving your landscape during watering restrictions, parking near South Congress, zoning matters, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list November 4 pm]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list November 16]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, October 3, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include spraying of herbicides along Blunn Creek, update on Neighborhood Watch, amendments to Land Development Code on flag lots, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list September 30]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list October 17]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, September 5, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include spraying of herbicides along Blunn Creek, update on Neighborhood Watch, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list September 2]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list October 1]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, August 1, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include residential parking permits, short-term rentals, spraying of herbicides along Blunn Creek, historic Reuters house on Rosedale, Norwood estate, introduction of police district representative, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list 29 July pm]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list August 17]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, June 6, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include street closings, illegal destruction of trees, cancellation of Fourth of July parade and picnic but also news of unofficial neighborhood celebration (no meeting of the general membership in July either), and much, much more
[draft agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list June 3 pm]
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list June 6 pm; final final agenda (cutting item 4) posted at 5:42 pm, 6 June]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list June 15]

•Newsletter Summer 2011 issue: read all the latest about everything, including Neighborhood Watch, the East Riverside corridor, the Norwood estate, and much, much more

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, May 2, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include SRCC on-line presence, the South Congress Improvement Project (SCIP), zoning matters, and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list April 30 pm]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list May 7]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, April 4, Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe; 7:15 pm; topics include Norwood Estate, proposed building permit variances, proposed residential parking permit program and much, much more
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list March 31 p.m.]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list April 6]

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Tuesday, March 8; annual potluck supper and election of officers
Yes, tonight, we can get into the church for set-up and leaving off of food beginning at 5:30. That's the basement Fellowship Hall at Grace United Methodist at 205 E Monroe. Everyone, please come. This evening is mostly to share a meal with neighbors and to elect officers for another year beginning next month.
Here is the Agenda, such as it is:
5:30 - 6:15 Arrive, greet, set tables, etc.
6:15 - 7:00 Eat
7:00 - 7:15 Announcements
7:15 - 7:30 Entertainment: Classical Guitar Group from Fulmore Middle School
7:30 - 7:45 Candidates, nominations from floor, elections
8:00 Adjourn
[agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list March 8 p.m.]
[no minutes yet posted to the neighborhood e-mail list]

• Notice At the SRCC annual elections meeting of the general membership of SRCC on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, officer elections will be held at Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe. According to our by-laws only dues-paid members can vote. If you've been a member during the last 2 years but are not current with your dues, you can pay at the meeting. For all others there is a 28-day waiting period after joining before a member is eligible to vote. That means that Tuesday, February 8, was the deadline for NEW members to pay dues and vote in the election. If you have questions about your status, email To renew your dues, please print out and complete the SRCC membership form. Send a check made payable to SRCC (memo note: membership), along with the completed form, to: SRCC, Attention: Treasurer, Post Office Box 40632, Austin, Texas 78704.
C. Martin, membership chair
[notice posted to the neighborhood e-mail list February 1 pm]

•Newsletter February/March 2011 issue: read all the latest about everything, including the March 8 election of officers and potluck get-together at Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe (and how you can help; potluck begins at 6 pm, entertainment is at 7:15 pm, elections are at 7:30 pm), the Norwood estate, Neighborhood Watch, and much, much more

• Agenda for meeting of the general membership, Monday, February 7; 7:15 pm; Grace United Methodist Church (205 East Monroe): all are welcome; see details: topics including short-term vacation rentals, reconstruction of Oltorf, noise issues near St. Edward's, and much, much more
[draft agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list February 1 p.m.]
[final agenda posted to the neighborhood e-mail list February 7 p.m.]
[minutes posted to the neighborhood e-mail list March 1]

• Announcement there will be no January meeting of the general membership
[posted to the neighborhood e-mail list January 1]

return to top

The latest statistics counting the number of views and individual visitors to this home page and the number of neighbors on our e-mail list have been posted; they are updated through the end of June. It's possible to compare these most recent numbers with what they were a month ago, or a year ago, or back at the beginning.

October 2010 issue: read all the latest about everything, including South Congress Avenue improvement project, information on public safety, Independence Day sponsors, the Travis Heights Art Trail on December 4 and 5, and much, much more; June 2010 issue: read all the latest about everything, including the July 4 Independence Day parade and picnic, information on public safety, and much, much more; January 2010 issue: read all the latest about everything, including the the big March potluck supper and election of officers (see below), tips on public safety (see when to call 911 and draft report by public safety committee on plans for addressing crime), important zoning and planning matters, and much, much more; November 2009 issue, read all the latest about everything, including the Norwood Estate, zoning matters, proposed elimination of bus service, upcoming Travis Heights Art Trail, and much, much more; June 2009 issue, read all about the Fourth of July parade and picnic; February 2009 issue, read all about the scheduled election of SRCC officers at Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe (see Article IV of the by-laws for voting information), and the potluck supper starting at 6:30 pm preceding the election set for Monday, March 2, plus much, much more

•SRCC officers elected March 8, 2011 :: :: [more information; see by-laws]
PRESIDENT: Sarah Campbell
SECRETARY: Garret Nick

•:: r e s o u r c e s :: The 2008 version of the resource manual prepared by the Austin Police Department is available on line in Adobe PDF format (11 pages, 148K); it's also available in MS-Word format for downloading from the files section of the neighborhood e-mail list; learn what number to call for which neighborhood problems; learn the difference between 9-1-1 and 3-1-1 and much more; draft agreement about Sunnymeade Apartments at 501 East Oltorf; learn about stricter City of Austin watering regulations in effect between May 1 and September 30, plus link to City of Austin FAQ page

• Our Austin Police Department district representatives serve region 4 (the southwest district, west of IH-35; see region 4 map) and region 3 (east of IH-35; mostly Henry 1 and a little bit of Henry 2 in the south central sector; see region 3 map). Officer Robert Barboza, 974-8246, is assigned to our part of region 4. Officer Atilano Guerra, 974-4475, is assigned to Henry 1. Officer Ray Lopez, 974-5551, is assigned to Henry 2. Commander Ernesto Pedrazo (telephone 974-50130 leads region 4. Commander Patrick Ockletree (telephone 974-8505) leads region 3. The main telephone number for the south central or Henry sector of region 3 is 974-8106. The main number for region 4 is 974-8241. There is additional information linked from the district representatives page of the Austin Police Department.

• to report grafitti or tagging for removal, call 974-1028.

• Austin Police Department loss-report form is available both at the site of the neighborhood e-mail list (downloadable from the files section) and by clicking here (MSWord document that can be faxed to the police department).

• Join our neighborhood e-mail list and receive news of the neighborhood, including crime alerts
• Join our neighborhood collaborative photograph bank at Flickr; ask for an invitation; contribute photographs, from today and from the past, of neighborhood natural features, neighborhood flora and fauna, neighborhood events, and the good, the bad, and the ugly in SRCC-land; even if you don't have digital photographs to contribute, join anyhow and add information about local landmarks via tags, descriptions, and comments

• Fraud, waste, and abuse cost us all money ~~ The City of Austin integrity unit will investigate misuse of resources, and your anonymity will be protected

•Neighborhood coffee klatsch Meet your neighbors informally on the first Monday of each month between 9:30 and 10:00 am at a location to be announced on the neighborhood e-mail list; all are welcome. (more information).

•in our neighborhood ~ ~ ~
OF INTEREST learn about how you can be a part of the historic Travis Heights - Fairview Park effort and learn how you may contribute to the preservation of this early street-car suburb that is so large a part of SRCC-land
Documentation of flooding problems in Sherwood Oaks, along St. Edward's Drive ~~ After four years of much work by the St. Edward's committee documenting traffic and flooding problems in that neighborhood, the City has finally begun addressing the flooding issue on St. Edward's Drive. In the past two or three weeks, members of the staff from the Austin Department of Public Works and Watershed Protection have been walking around the neighborhood assessing current drainage infrastructure and doing tests to determine where the water from the floods comes from and taking measurements. The City has dedicated $50,000 of our tax dollars to study this problem and try to find a solution. If you have had flooding problems and have photos to share, please call or send e-mail to the St. Edward's committee chair, Elloa Mathews (ellomail <at>; 442-6986). You may view existing information and photographs contained in an Adobe Reader PDF file. (Install free Adobe Reader if you don't have it.)[3/15/04]
. . . ~ ~ Just for fun, see selections from the newsletter announcing the 1992 election of SRCC officers At that time, this event occurred in May, and you may view a selection of articles discussing issues facing SRCC in its 20th-anniversary year return to top
our neighborhood schools:
Travis Heights Elementary
Fulmore Middle
Travis High
Austin I.S.D.
current SRCC bylaws received and posted August 2003 ::::: for purposes of information and comparison, view earlier versions of documents and prior notices (download free Adobe Acrobat Reader if you don't have it)
return to top
Among the links and information available at this site are: neighborhood e-mail list, history of bylaws and articles of incorporation, including original SRCC constitution, plus an old prediction that the close-in south neighborhoods would disappear to give way to the central business district by the year 2000.
Meetings of the general membership are the first Monday of each month, 7:15 pm, at Grace United Methodist Church, 205 East Monroe. Meetings of the executive committee (officers and area coordinators, with all welcome to attend) are usually on the third Monday of each month, 7:15 pm, at the church.
Membership Please mail completed membership form, along with your check for dues made payable to SRCC (memo note: membership), to SRCC, Post Office Box 40632, Austin, Texas 78704, Attention: Treasurer. Please furnish name, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number. Additional contributions may be dedicated to the SRCC general fund (see the membership form), amended as of November, 2012.

$20 for 1 year ($35 for 2 years in advance, $50 for 3 years in advance)



$35 for 1 year ($65 for 2 years in advance, $95 for 3 years in advance)



return to top

Blunn Creek Nature Preserve is on the above map east of area 5, south of Oltorf Street, and north of St. Edward's University (see detailed map). There are always opportunities to volunteer to help maintain this neighborhood wonder Courtesy of Sergio Chapa, take a virtual tour (many spring photographs) if you have the bandwidth.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Additions? Corrections? Please send them here

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